
Painting of the Week – Swan Tapestry

Finding Your Style

Finding your Style

After college, my first attempts at watercolor were rarely successful. Many subjects were new to me. In 1990, Swan Tapestry” showed the first glimmer of style development. The swan and flowers were painted with deliberateness, but when it came to the water, I wasn’t’ sure how to proceed. A search began through my art books looking for the best way to re-create the reflections in the water. Finding nothing quite right, I thought, “Why don’t you paint the water the way Ellen Diederich would paint it?” and I did.

Forcing style development can be disastrous, yet many students rush and pressure themselves to find their unique look. It takes time to become aware of your preferences and interests which will gradually influence it. Maintaining a positive attitude and patiently persisting through all the pitfalls will help you develop your own personal ways of handling problems that arise in your paintings. Just keep working and your style will develop over time.







There is still time to sign up for my “Beginning Watercolor Workshop” July 12 -15, at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. People take this course even if they have already painted. Frequent comments are “they like the fun relaxed atmosphere I create in my classes”, or “No one ever showed me that before”.  This class starts you at the most basic to build skills you can use in any watercolor. It helps me improve too!


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