Painting of the Week

Painting of the Week – Happiest Working

Simplify for focus

New Orleans is a city with such unique flavor. All of it makes it to easy to confuse a painting with too much information. I admired the horses decorated with children’s sand shovels and scoops and chose to focus on them. The horse pulling the buggy looked so much happier, almost triumphant over those waiting in line for riders. Like him, I am happiest working!

If you saw the photograph background for this painting you would see that the architectural pieces in this painting were simplified into patterns. Their value range is limited and the activity runs between the two horses heads using uneven smaller higher contrasting shapes. The buggies shapes are used to attach large shapes to the edges.

The alumni exhibit is up at Minnesota State University Moorhead at The Roland Dille Center for the Arts for homecoming until October 5th.


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