Painting of the Week

Painting of the Week – An Unlikely Pair

Making Connections

Making Connections

These dog’s portraits were fun to paint. Clarice is the Basset and Luka is the Mini Sheepadoodle. I met these two via video and they truly have fun together. These playful pooches invent games that don’t require humans and keep them happy. They are two totally different characters… so why does this painting work?

Connections create eye-movement patterns. Follow the whites. The powerful contrast of black & white attracts you to the upper right corner where Luka is. Notice the invitations put forth. The white on his forehead leads you in from the Phlox to his face. Luka’s collar blends in with his hair on both sides allowing you slide past it to where his white paws lead you to Bernice. Luka’s dark side also connects to Bernice’s darks ear and nose. The “crumpled flower of shame” tells the story. When shapes similar in value interlock (light against light or dark against dark) they move you through the picture plane, making connections. However, nothing speaks louder than their equally guilty expression!


I want YOUR feedback!

Covid-19 stopped me from printing my 2020 card catalog. Now I need your opinion to help me choose my new card styles from two years of new paintings. Your votes really count!  If you have time, please click on the link below and take the short, 4 question poll for which of my paintings you like best. Thank you!!!

Card Styles to Vote For







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