Painting of the Week

Painting of the Week – Wandering Ewes

We on wet painting

Wet on Wet Painting

The Wandering Ewes reminds me of wool sweaters, fabrics and the creativity of artists. It is so much fun to see new original art. Over the years, my fellow artists and I have had many interesting developments in our work. Please mark your calendars for next weekend’s Studio Crawl.  You can now go to the Plains Art Museum in Fargo and view a piece by each artist and map out your journey to see your favorite studios. I hope to see you here!

These ewes were painted primarily with the wet on wet technique. This is when you have the least amount of control as an artist. The sheep were first drawn on and then the paper was soaked and stretched. Before it began to dry, an unplanned under-painting was added and I immediately began painting the sheep. More paint was placed just as it started to set up creating back-runs for that wooly look. I don’t remember much else other than having fun under intense concentration.







The Wandering Ewes is available along with other giclées are part of a Pre-Crawl Special Price with Free Shipping until October 10th, 2023.

  • Look for the turquoise indicators when checking out the giclées HERE


Beginning watercolor workshop in Fargo ND image

September Praise by Ellen Jean Diederich

Hone in on the beauty of the warm colors – sign up today for Ellen’s workshop!

Painting with a Warm Palette in Watercolor

October 26-27, 10:00am -3:00pm in Wahpeton, ND.



Signup to be the first to see Ellen’s Original work, painting tips & events:

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